Via Fratelli Bandiera, 33
BellaMantova 2
I servizi
You will find the apartment extremely comfortable. The following services are available for you.
Wi-Fi internet | |
Air conditioner | |
Heating | |
Bathroom with shower |
Kitchen with induction cooking hob, oven, fridge and dishwasher | |
Washer and dryer | |
Iron | |
Rental of bed linen and bath towels included |
Flexible check-in time: from 2 PM | |
TV |
Sleeping accomodation
Different sleeping accomodations are extra for 20€ for each additional bed.
Apartment's location
BellaMantova 2 is located in the city center. BellaMantova 2 is suitable for couples, workers/buisnessmen and families. It is located in via Fratelli Bandiera 33, near Palazzo d'Arco and Palazzo della Ragione, Palazzo Ducale, Castello di San Giorgio, Duomo, S. Andrea.
How to reach BellaMantova 2
By train
You can reach Mantova by train from Verona (45 minutes) and from Modena (55 minutes), as it is on the Modena - Verona railway line. Also the following lines pass trough the city: Milano - Cremona, Suzzara - Ferrara, Pavia - Monselice - Padova.
You can follow this route (550 m) or take a taxi (phone: 0376 368844, mail:, web:
Railway station - P.zza Don Leoni, 14
Informations, bookings and tickets - Trenitalia Call Center: 892021
Trains timetable:
For the Regional railway (in the whole Lombardy): - Trenord Contact Center 02-
By car
BellaMantova 2 is located within the Limited Traffic Zone.
You can drive in front of the house and park on the street but we have to provide you a PASS which costs 5 € per 24 hours stay and stop in ZTL (parking in the whole city is also included).
By bus
Check point: Strada Cipata (check point bus turistici)
Check point: Strada Cipata (tourist busses check point)
- Route on foot
- Free bus from and to Piazza Sordello: verify on Aster website
House rules
Every over-14 guest will be required yo pay 3€ per night for the tourist tax. | |
Smoking is not allowed inside the property. | |
Pets not allowed | |
No parties | |
Check-in from 2 PM, check-out by 10 AM | |
Separate collection of rubbish |